Important Information
MSRP $26,385 VIN KL79MPS29RB140856
36 monthly lease payments of $197.29 plus tax on monthly payment and capitalized cost reduction. Amount due from customer, $3,999. Rebate of $1,500 for current leases of a 2019 model year or newer GM or non-GM vehicles, must show proof. For a total of $5,499 due at lease inception, includes rebate. Program eligibility based on above average credit approval from GM Financial. Not all customers will qualify. Based on 10,000 miles per year, excess miles charged at $0.25 cents per mile. Lease end termination fee $395. Take new retail delivery by 09/03/2024
Important Information
MSRP $50,794 VIN3GNKDBRJ2RS220273.
24 monthly lease payments of $197.39 plus tax on monthly payment and capitalized cost reduction. Amount due from customer, $4,999. Select Blazer EV leases with GM Financial benefit from a Clean Vehicle Federal Tax Credit of up to $7,500 through a residual enhancement applied by GM Financial. This is not an individual tax credit and cannot be claimed on your personal income taxes. Consult your tax, legal or accounting professional if you have questions. Rebate of $1,000 for current leases of a 2019 model year or newer GM or non-GM vehicles plus $1,500 Chevy Blazer EV Select Market Conquest Offer, must show proof 2010 or newer non-GM truck or passenger car. For a total of $7,499 due at lease inception, includes rebate. Program eligibility based on above average credit approval from GM Financial. Not all customers will qualify. Based on 10,000 miles per year, excess miles charged at $0.25 cents per mile. Lease end termination fee $395. Take new retail delivery by 09/03/2024
Important Information
MSRP $54,495 VIN 3GCPDKEK5RG243045 .
36 monthly lease payments of $297.39 plus tax on monthly payment and capitalized cost reduction. Amount due from customer, $5,999. Rebate of $1,500 for current leases of a 2019 model year or newer GM or non-GM vehicles plus $1,000 Chevy Incremental CCR, must show proof. For a total of $8,499 due at lease inception, includes rebate. Program eligibility based on above average credit approval from GM Financial. Not all customers will qualify. Based on 10,000 miles per year, excess miles charged at $0.25 cents per mile. Lease end termination fee $395. Take new retail delivery by 09/03/2024.